CV Pro has professionally compiled job landing CVs and Résumés since 2009 across all industries. We offer you a versatile and comprehensive range of job-seeking solutions from CV compilation to registrations to job sites.
By partnering with CV Pro for your bespoke needs you are guaranteed highly effective and efficient results at competitive rates.
Our CV experts take the time to learn all about your skills and achievements so they can tailor your CV toward your actual goals. You'll have direct access to your CV expert at all times, with as many revisions as you like until you are 100% satisfied.
Our services offers are inclusive of detailed job description, job profiling, job advert costs, screening, face-to-face interviewing of candidates, verifying all checks, compiling final CV’s and references checking.We invest time, energy, and resources to understand your core business, values, and corporate culture to find you the best possible match.
We deliver effective workforce solutions, with remarkable people, to meet the talent demands of our business partners, in a rapidly changing environment.
Have a positive impact in the employment of the community and South Africa at large. Effectively equip candidates with the correct tools required in the market place. Be the leading provider of effective workforce solutions.
Passionate about People.If people grow, everything else grows.
Close to our hearts is the continued development and up-skilling of South African citizens in the working sector. To cultivate a future that is meaningful and prosperous, we need more people to both create and fill jobs. To do this requires empowering all communities with the right tools to launch careers and businesses.
For this reason, CV Pro Recruitment hosts a variety of free workshops in collaboration with key sponsors, where we coach the community. (This is to the core of why this company was started).
We pride ourselves in conducting business in an ethical way. We strive to do everything in a spirit of excellence by taking on projects and fulfilling them in the best possible way and in the shortest time frame to increase productivity to ensure candidates are being provided with many opportunities to choose from.